Wednesday, 5 May 2010

She's growing up...

Way TOO fast & I don't like one bit! On the 14th April our youngest daughter turned 12, I'm not sure where the last 12 years have gone, but I do know that I have enjoyed every last minute of having this beautiful girl in my life. Tayla is a precious gift, one that I thankful for everyday, but don't for one second let her sweet face fool you, she can be feisty, she will stand up for herself no matter what... she is the youngest of the girls & she has three brothers & anyone with brothers, know how brothers can be!! at times she has no choice but to be feisty, grit her teeth & stand her ground & sometimes I feel sorry for her brothers.. the wrath of Tayla can be very unpleasant! She is my sunshine on a cloudy day, she has a big heart full of compassion & love, she loves her nephew & niece & they love HERshe excels academically, she CAN sing, she loves animals, she wants to be a Marine Biologist & just about everything she does, she does it with perfection, I'm am so blessed to be her mum, she fills our lives with so much joy & most of all LOVE. I love you sweet girl... to the moon & back & then some... xo

We had a little photo session to capture her first day of being twelve...



Jodie said...

just gorgeous Tanya - soo soo sad that they grow up so fast but then on the other hand yay hahah your baby girl is sweet! xx

Toni said...

she is stunning Tanya, beautiful photos! Enjoy 12, 13 is just around the corner ( ;

Do you have this in pink? said...

I just cannot imagine this face being feisty, she looks so serene but I guess in a family that size you have to learn young to stand your ground. Love the second last picture, thats my favorite. xoxo

annie said...

Wow Tanya she really is growing up :) So beauty-full, heres to her 13th and 14th and 15th and 16th...... and so on.........

Julian Beattie said...

Great shots! That last one is just adorable though - She has the "far off wonderment" pose down pat! Cute as. =]

Amanda said...

What a beautiful girl!

Kara May said...

Oh she is looking more and more like a young lady and not a little girl. She's beautiful and I love her accessories. Gorgeous photography too.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful girl - what a stunning young lady you are:)) Happiest of birthdays to you sweet thing xxxx (Vanessa Paris)

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