Wednesday 7 May 2008

Just playing...

With some photos tonight... should really be going to bed lol. but what can you do!! have been busy buying Mother's Day pressies, mine should be arriving anyday!! nothing exciting going on... apart from the usual... washing, ironing, cooking etc., etc. & that's definitely not exciting!! I will say that the Nintendo Wii is very, very popular around here... we are just loving it! well maybe not me... played the tenpin bowling game, figured that seeing as I used to bowl in a league, I be pretty good at it! the first time I went to bowl I pulled a muscle... don't ask me how because I don't know... but have since done it again & hurt my foot as well LOL. needless to say I think hubby maybe right... I need to start exercising!!!!!
Anyway here is my little man... and with that I say goodnight! xxxx


Laurie said...

All of these posts are so beautiful. You are so talented! and your kids are so cute! Sorry about your injuries playing Wii....kind of funny though. It's crazy that our bodies don't move like they used to!

dani said...

great "little man" shots. did you knit his beanie??? (i have knitting envy.)
i think you should ask for wii's guitar hero III for mother's day. it is so much fun and relatively safe:b
love and hugs,
ps... this is a link to a picture of clay at her prom this year. tayla reminds me so much of clay at that age... she, too, was/is beautiful!!!

Elise said...

Why do us mums sacrific sleep for getting other odds and ends done?!?
It always seems like a good idea at the time, but the next morning is an entirely different matter.

Sounds like you got right into that Nintendo game, with two injuries from that bowling game. You now have a good reason to sit back and put your feet up, courtesy of Nintendo Wii.

Warmest wishes

kristen said...

What a handsome guy.
What did buy for mothers day??
Are you doing something special?

Fauset Photography said...

very very cool Tanya! I love the textures you're using!

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